Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Skinni PB2 Meringue Cookies

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Skinni PB2 Meringue Cookies

Fluffy Peanut Butter, need I say more! I love meringue cookies and peanut butter, so these scrumptious cookies just hit the spot!

1.       3 egg whites (I used XL-make sure you use eggs and not the boxed egg whites)
2.       ½ teaspoon Vanilla
3.       1/8 teaspoon Cream of Tartar (*see below for explination)
4.       5 tablespoons of Splenda
5.       2 teaspoons PB2

1.       Pre-heat the oven to 300 degrees.
2.       In a mixer, whip the egg whites, vanilla, and cream of tartar until they have the frothy airy look.
3.       Gradually add in the Splenda.
4.       Add the PB2.
5.       On a parchment paper lined pan, drop the meringue cookies by the teaspoon (it will make 48).
6.       Cook the cookies for 12-15 minutes.
7.       Enjoy the airy PB2 cookies!

*These cookies are 2 calories each, and the entire pan is only 97 calories!!!!!

*My friend Carolyn called me once asking about the Cream of Tartar and what it does for the recipe, so I figured other people might want to know. Cream of Tartar helps to stabilize the egg whites when cooking. The egg whites are fairly fragile and can fall apart when cooking, so the Cream of Tartar helps to hold the egg whites together. I’m actually glad she asked. I always used it in cooking but did not necessarily understand why! Thanks for asking Carolyn!

I just let my Mixer do the hard work!

Before Baking

After Baking

Yum! Only 2 calories!

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Bobbi's Skinni Cookin'